
Weekly Round-Up: Ruff Love

Farm pups and working dogs might not get all of the credit they deserve, but as we look toward the Spring thaw, our four-legged friends are getting as excited as we are. Cold weather means more indoor time for most of our pooch pals, so, today, we dedicate our weekly round-up to the dogs that not only protect our flocks and mush our sleighs, but also provide us the companionship on the coldest of nights.

  • Digging into doggy data. This visualization shows the most popular breeds of dogs while asking the question: should they be? See if your breed is the Top Dog.

  • We'll take our farm dogs over the 'Rich Dogs of Instagram' any day. Yes, there is actually an Instagram feed of wealthy pets. Are we really surprised? We'd rather run in the fields with these farm pups.

Every fed a puppy a lime? Now you don't have to.