
Little Giant Success Story: Tennessee Charger & the Better Bucket

Janis Londraville from Whippoorwill Horse Rescue of Turtletown, Tennessee recently contacted Miller Manufacturing to share an inspiring story of a 19-year-old American Saddlebred rescue horse named Tennessee Charger, or just Charger for short.

Charger came to the Whippoorwill Horse Rescue starved and “didn’t really remember how to eat right. He spilled more than he ate,” Londraville wrote. “He had been at Whippoorwill Horse Rescue in Turtletown, TN since February -- always spilling his grain, tipping his bucket over, knocking it around. Even though his teeth were floated and then rechecked a few weeks later, the food was spilling everywhere and he wasn’t getting his supplements.” They tried hand feeling and letting him eat directly out of a feed barrel, but they couldn’t get him to eat enough. As a result, his condition wasn’t improving. So Londraville got online and Googled “I need a better bucket, horse” and the Little Giant Better Bucket came up.

Charger upon arriving at the rescue

And that bucket has made a huge difference in Charger’s life. Londraville writes, “What a help this bucket has been. It’s interesting that we never know what will be “the thing” that tips the scales in favor of life for any particular rescue. Who would have thought in Charger’s case it would have been a BUCKET!” She adds, “Now he is more comfortable eating, spills almost nothing, and is learning how to eat correctly. He enjoys it so much more.”

Charger three weeks after getting the Better Bucket

She closes with “the Better Bucket has been a dream come true. Thank you for this amazing bucket.”

"He is sure loving to eat now!"

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