
Buy American

About Buy American

At Miller Manufacturing, we understand the importance of buying American-made products to farmers, ranchers, and hobbyists. All our employees work in the USA and most are located in one of our two manufacturing plants in the state of Minnesota. Our parent company, Frandsen Corporation, is also committed to U.S. manufacturing and employs an additional 1,000 U.S. employees.

This commitment allows us to respond more quickly to our customers' demands while streamlining our supply chain and distribution processes. It benefits our company, employees, customers, and U.S. parts manufacturers in addition to the communities where our products are manufactured. Let’s work together to boost the local and national economy, reestablish a strong manufacturing base, and keep the people of this country gainfully employed so more of us can achieve the American dream.

The benefits of this commitment do not end after the American-made products leave our distribution center. Because the manufacturing happens right here, we can be sure our products are of the highest quality and impose strict safety standards during the manufacturing process. All of this means that we can provide our customers with innovative, quality products to help make it easier for backyard hobbyists, homesteaders, and hobby farmers to take pride in their hard work.

Although we would like to make all our products at our Minnesota plants, and are actively working to do so, the reality is the competitive nature of our business forces us at times to source internationally. Most of our competitors, however, import the majority of their products. Our strategic plan calls for our Buy American program to build momentum for others in our industry to continue to support and push US-made products and suppliers.

With people spending more time at home, Miller’s products for farmers, ranchers, and backyard hobbyists are helping people provide for themselves and their families. Miller products enable people to raise chickens, feed and water farm animals, take care of their pets, and participate in beekeeping.

Please help us support this effort and Buy American!

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