
Barn Chores for Spring


Spring is here! Time to start getting your barn prepared for the warmer weather. Before the birds start chirping, it's time to swap de-icers for fly masks. Here are a few barn chores for you to consider to make the transition to summer days a quick and easy one.

  • Disinfect stall supplies. Be sure to thoroughly clean your tools, like forks and muck tubs. Keeping both your stalls and supplies clean will reduce the spread of organisms and diseases in your barn. Disinfecting your supplies is a great way to prevent sickness.

  • Stow away winter-only items. To keep your stable as clutter-free as possible, store cold-weather items like winter horse blankets to eliminate extra equipment that won't be needed for the season.

  • Unplug and inspect your de-icers and heated buckets. As the nights grow warmer, you'll be able to put away all your winter de-icing equipment. It's a great time to double-check all cords, connections, and plugs are any sign of wear or damage. Rodents can do some serious damage to electrical cords and wiring!

  • Clean up those horses, too. Warmer temps bring on a whole lot of shedding. Your regular dandy brush won't quite do the trick for the heavy spring shed, so if you want to help speed up the long process of a spring shed, you can use a combination of a curry comb to loosen the hair and a shedding tool for longer lengths.

Does cleaning up the barn scream Spring to you? Like the robin catching a worm, it's a sign of warmer days to come!

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