National Farm Workers Day is celebrated annually on March 31st. The day pays tribute to the hard workers who dedicate their lives to bringing food to our tables while facing many risks and challenges. From working in fields to caring for livestock, farmers have a multitude of jobs that are demanding. They work sunrise to sunset doing manual labor to provide our families with the resources we often take for granted. With the long hours and strenuous labor this occupation demands, we thank the farmers and ranchers who provide for our families and fuel the economy. We are proud to manufacture the products that assist in hard work these workers do every day. It's hard work worth doing! Check out our video thanking farmers for their hard work worth doing!
To commemorate this day, you can show your support by thanking a farm worker or raise awareness through social media. You can also choose to raise funds for several agricultural charities or donate to them yourself. To learn more about National Farm Workers Day including historical information and ways to observe this holiday, check out National Today.