
Manufacturing More in the USA

With the demand for American Made products booming, Miller Manufacturing has proudly expanded and is bringing back over 100 products to be manufactured in the USA. There are many reasons to Buy American and Miller is committed to keeping manufacturing right here in the United States to not only provide quality products, but to keep Americans employed and support our country. What have we done to support this demand?

  • Added a 37,000 square foot addition to our finished goods warehouse and increased our DC staff over 70%. We also added needed equipment, such as forklifts and pallet wrappers, to support these warehouse operations.

  • Increased our starting wages and have been supporting significant overtime.

  • Added capacity to our manufacturing lines through new investments, including automation.

  • Expanded our manufacturing within Minnesota with a new plant in Anoka, MN. This expansion now gives Miller’s parent company, Frandsen Corporation, manufacturing and warehousing facilities in Glencoe, Anoka, Rush City, and Maple Grove with over 800 employees based in Minnesota.

By expanding, Miller is able to respond to the request of our customers to start the process of reshoring products currently being made in China and other global locations. We are proud to be bringing back over 100 products including our Little Giant® Plastic Better Buckets, FlexTubs, Hookover Troughs, and many more that will now be made locally in Minnesota. This will ensure product quality and consistency all while creating more opportunity for our local community. Miller products enable people to raise chickens, feed and water farm animals, take care of their pets, and participate in beekeeping. We are proud to building momentum for others in our industry to support and push manufacturing more in the USA. For more information on why to Buy American, check out this article. Be sure to check out our Buy American video:

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